Monday, November 24, 2008

We've got some catchin' up to do

It's been since Halloween that I posted any pictures of my girls, so here are some recent ones. Koralee is becoming more fun everyday. We are out of that "rough stage" and she is much more smiles, sleeps well, and doesn't have to eat non-stop. Her hair is much curlier than Nevaeh's. Here's a photo of her flat top fade. Back is straight, top is curly and stands straight up. It doesn't help that she has been pulling her hair lately, that just makes it stand out even farther.

Side view of them chunky cheeks and the Farwell receding hairline. She is already wearing 6-9 mo. clothes. She is wearing sleepers that Nevaeh wore when she was walking because the feet are all dirty. Crazy.

Chunky body. She feel like she has to be sitting or standing at all times. If she's in your lap, she does not like to be cradled. She will lie there and do crunches until you sit her up so she can look around. Same way in the car seat. Hates tummy time because she is still pretty gassy, but we are working on getting those arms strengthen to match the legs.

Nevaeh is all about girly things. Loves high heels, jewelry, make up, purse, etc. She decided to make earrings and bracelets out of her link toys. I can already picture her wanting to wear big ole dangly earrings someday. She asked me for a ring the other day so I found an old adjustable toe ring that fit around her index finger. She was walking around all day holding her hand up with her finger sticking straight out.

Whazzup? You got a problem with me?

And finally, last but definitely not least, WE GOT NEVAEH IN HER BED!!!! It really wasn't that hard. We tried it for nap time and she got tearful so I sat in the rocking chair for about 10 minutes and then left. She was fine. Did that the first couple of times she slept in her bed, and since then we just lay her down and walk out just like always. It's great! And best of all, we also got Koralee across the room in the crib sleeping very well also. She started in the crib on Friday night. So far, so good. Nevaeh likes her bed, but she always has to have Baby and Bear Bear. She has had to have those two for a long time now. Since being in her bed, we've added the giant pink Bunny too. Guess they help keep her warm with our old drafty windows.


Erika said...

LOVE all the new pictures!! Koralee looks like Shun...totally. We can't wait to see you in a couple of days!

R and L Farwell said...

Such cutie pies!!! So, I'm guessing she is already fitting or outgrew the outfit we bought her? She must be eating VERY well! :D

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the newsy post, Dana. It was great to see again what's going on in the girls' lives!